How to Run the Flow Analyzer
  • 27 Oct 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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How to Run the Flow Analyzer

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Article summary

Run the Analyzer by Searching for Flows

  1. Open the App Launcher and type "Flow Analyzer". Click on the Flow Analyzer app.
  2. Open the Flow Analyzer tab.
  3. Select a Connected Org. If you do not see the org to which you want to connect, you can follow the steps to connect an org.
  4. Once you've selected an org, the rest of the UI will display.
  5. Moving down the page, you will see the toggle below the template search bar. By default, the Flow Analyzer will scan active flow versions, and will scan the latest version if the flow is not active. However, if you would like to scan the latest version of the flow before activating it, you can enable this toggle and it will always scan the latest version regardless of if that version is the active version.
  6. Apply a filter field, operator, and value. You can add more filters by clicking the plus button in the lower lefthand corner.
  7. You can also choose the filter logic. You can choose all filters need to be met, at least one filter is met, or custom logic. If you apply custom logic, that allows you to apply the logic as you would like using the numbers next to each row.
  8. Once you've applied the filters and filter logic, click Get Flows.
  9. If any flows match your criteria, they will be displayed in the table on the right panel. You can select one or many of the flows.
  10. Once you've selected at least one flow, the Run button will be enabled. Click the Run button, and the analyzer will begin scanning your selected flow(s)! You should see this message.
  11. Once the application finishes scanning the flows, you will receive an email with a link to the analyzer run record for the run.

Run the Analyzer Using a Template

  1. Open the App Launcher and type "Flow Analyzer". Click on the Flow Analyzer app.
  2. Open the Flow Analyzer tab.
  3. Select a Connected Org. If you do not see the org to which you want to connect, you can follow the steps to connect an org.
  4. Once you've selected an org, the rest of the UI will display.
  5. To search for a template, begin typing in the search bar. Any template that matches your search term should display.
  6. Select the template that you want to use and you will see the filters applied for that template.
  7. You will also notice that the flows that meet the filter criteria are automatically queried. When using templates, it will by default scan all of the flows that meet the template's criteria.
  8. Click the Run button, and the analyzer will begin scanning your selected flow(s)! You should see this message.
  9. Once the application finishes scanning the flows, you will receive an email with a link to the analyzer run record for the run.

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