Version 1.3
  • 29 Jan 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
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Version 1.3

  • Dark

Article summary

Version 1.3


Version 1.3 introduces the new analyzer run summary component and introduces the Flow Mechanic, which gives you the capability to update flow metadata using the app! More specifically, the Flow Mechanic will allow you to remove unused variables from your flows in bulk!

New Analyzer Run Summary Component

The Analyzer Run Summary component on the Analyzer Run record page got a major facelift! The old component was just an accordion component that was a bit difficult to work with. The new component is much more user friendly and useful!
Pictured above, you can see the new component. Please see the below list of improvements you'll experience with this upgraded UX!

  1. You can now access the flow builder directly from the component
    1. If you click on the name of the flow, it will open the flow builder for this flow version!
  2. You can view subflow information directly from the flow summary
    1. If you click into a flow, you can see if there are any subflows in the flow details. You can also click into that text and review any subflows.
  3. If you're eager to see your results and you go to the analyzer run record page before the scan has completed, you can use the refresh icon to refresh the results in the component without having to refresh the whole page.

Flow Mechanic

The most exciting feature released in version 1.3 is the capability to modify flow metadata from the new Flow Mechanic! This release introduces the capability to remove unused variables from one or many flows in just a few steps! See how easily you can remove unused variables using the Flow Mechanic in the Use the App to Update Flow Metadata page.

Feature Compatibility Notes

  1. Some of the features released in this release are dependent upon additions made within this release.
    1. The Flow Mechanic can only be used if the Org Name is specified on the Analyzer Run record. This field is introduced in this release, so, for any scans that occurred on an earlier version (version 1.2 or below), you will need to add the name of the org (from the configuration connected orgs tab) and refresh the page. However, any scan run with version 1.3 installed will automatically have that value set.
    2. Similar to the Flow Mechanic, the ability to click through to the flow builder in the new Analyzer Run Summary component can only be used if the Org Name is specified. You can follow the same steps detailed in the previous step and refresh the page and the feature should be available.

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